Bond for Buildings finishes work started in past two referendums.

The History of Our Schools

Did You Know?

The last additions/renovations to our schools were 10 years ago (Middle/High School) and 25 years ago (Elementary School).

Cedar Mountain School District serves students and families in two schools located in different geographic regions of the school district. Cedar Mountain Middle/High School - located in Morgan - was built in 1939 and Franklin Elementary School was built in 1953. These schools have served generations of learners. School district leaders and community members have historically supported improving the schools to ensure the future vitality of both the Morgan and Franklin communities and surrounding townships.

The school district budgets for long-term facilities maintenance projects annually, but the age of the schools, systems, and equipment generates needs that far exceed state funding.

This table outlines the history of our schools:

Building Year SF Facility Use
Cedar Mountain Middle/High School 1939, 1956, 1960, 1966, 1973, 1992, 1993, 2015 98,751 6-12
Franklin Elementary School 1953, 1963, 1996, 2000 49,262 Grades K-5

How did we determine the urgent needs?

As part of the district’s ongoing strategic planning process, the district continually updates its short- and long-range facility plans. In the Summer of 2023, the district worked with educational facilities experts, Apex Facility Solutions (now known as InBYLT), to conduct a full analysis of the current facilities. The analysis identified over $19 million in deferred maintenance facility needs for the district over a 10-year period. These projects focused only on the critical infrastructure of the schools and far exceeded available funds. District leaders and the school board decided to ask voters to consider supporting $16.3 million of the most critical needed improvements through a Bond for Buildings referendum.

Did You Know?

Funding for teaching and learning is currently diverted to facilities and equipment repair due to the age of our schools? The proposed referendum will ensure funds remain in the classroom for students, teachers and staff.